If my heart had a face, it would be smilling!

Even do I have a good life, whit good friends, a good work & a sport that I like. Even do I have find 2 passions in my life, I can´t help missing somebody like you in my life. You, the man with the big letter M in it. You that spoil me with love and happiness. You that I can spend my life with. You that I can call my best friend & that I can talk with like I do with my firends. Even do I have found happiness in my life as it now I can´t help missing you. Even do I miss somebody like you in my life, I know that you will enter my life soon. I know that you are out there somewhere and that we will find eachother in a way or another.

"Carpe Diem*

På återseende!
/// T


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