Hold on

Hold on to me babe.. I´m losing my grip now.. I can´t control my feelinga anymore.. that you did to me didn´t only hurt me.. it destroyed me... and it´s going to make me stronger than ever.. I Can´t believe that I have loved you..  How could I when you only make me sad and even if it´s over you still make me sad.. you can still control me.. gaaahh.. I´m going crazy or do I? 

I don´t know what´s real and not anymore.. I don´t know why I let you do this me.. It´s your lost not mine..  I can only live my life my way...

I´m going stronger and stronger but stil I can feel the pain inside my soul.. I thought you where different but i guess I was wrong.. you where worst than all the others...

Now it´s time to move on before you change your mind! I can´t let you in now becouse you only going to destroy me again and again, again.. I can´t handle you right know! please stay out my life and I stay out yours.. come to me when you can say you´re sorry..

It´s time to move on!

Postat av: Sanna

*Bumbi smyger in och ger Arla en superduperkram*

2008-08-13 @ 16:35:44
URL: http://bumbi.blogg.se/

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